What's New

Maine’s July Update

July 2017 – It’s the heart of a Maine summer and the very best time of the year to enjoy the lakes, ocean and mountains of this amazing state. It’s a month when visitors flock to the ocean beaches and book early tee times at the state’s many golf courses. This summer, they can visit […]

Maine’s June Update

June 2017 — Summer is fast approaching, so it’s the perfect time for a walking tour of Bar Harbor or a stay at Libby Camps, one of Maine’s classic sporting camps. It’s the season to stop in Portland to taste the James Beard Award-winning food at Eventide Oyster Co. as you head up the coast. […]

Maine’s May Update

May 2017 — At long last, May is here. Summer resorts are getting spruced up and ready to reopen, spring fishing season is in full swing and lobster pounds are preparing for the influx of people “from away.” May is migration month, when Deer Isle holds the Wings, Waves and Woods festival for those who […]

Marsden Hartley’s Maine

Marsden Hartley was one of Maine's best-loved painters and a new show at The Metropolitan Museum of Art's Met Breuer galleries in New York City, Marsden Hartley's Maine, celebrates this artist's work. Marsden Hartley's Maine, which runs from March 15 – June 18, 2017, will feature approximately 90 paintings and drawings that illuminate the painter's extraordinarily expressive range, […]

Maine’s April Update

APRIL 2017 — Spring is here, but due to an incredibly snowy Maine winter, it’s arriving a little bit slower this year.  That’s great news for fans of whitewater rafting, who can expect some off-the-charts thrills this season. For art lovers, there are five exhibitions in 2017 to mark the centennial of the birth of […]

Snowpack Creating Ultimate Conditions for Spring Skiing & Snowmobiling

March 29, 2017 — The Maine Office of Tourism, in collaboration with the Ski Maine Association and the Maine Snowmobile Association (MSA), reports the snowpack continues to be ideal for skiing and snowmobiling throughout much of the state. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA) snow depth map shows approximately three-quarters of the state, including […]

Start of Spring Upholds Great Winter Recreation Conditions

March 22, 2017 — The Maine Office of Tourism, in collaboration with the Ski Maine Association and the Maine Snowmobile Association (MSA), reports that despite the official start of spring on Monday, winter snow conditions continue to satisfy winter recreation. Off to a great spring skiing season at Sugarloaf. Click on the image above or the […]

Storm Stella Sends Last Week of Winter Out With a Bang

March 15, 2017 — The Maine Office of Tourism, in collaboration with the Ski Maine Association and the Maine Snowmobile Association (MSA), reports the recent snowfall will ensure winter activities continue through at least March, with more snow expected to fall this weekend. Snowmobiles with Mount Kineo in the background. Click on the image above […]

Maine’s March Update

March 2017 — The first glimmers of spring are here, with longer days, stronger sunlight and a sense that summer isn't all that far away. This month marks the opening of an exhibition dedicated to the works of Maine painter Marsden Hartley at The Met Breuer in New York City, showcasing 90 works that celebrate […]

Plenty of Snow Left for March Despite Varying Temperatures

March 8, 2017 — The Maine Office of Tourism, in collaboration with Ski Maine Association and the Maine Snowmobile Association (MSA), reports mid-winter-like conditions thanks to the hard work and efforts of the ski mountains and trail groomers taking full advantage of the colder temperatures early in the week. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA) snow depth map shows parts of the […]

February’s Snowfall Prepares March for Continued Winter Recreation

March 1, 2017 — The Maine Office of Tourism, in collaboration with Ski Maine Association and the Maine Snowmobile Association (MSA), reports last month's snowfall has created exceptional trail conditions moving into March as longer days and spring events draw near. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA) snow depth map shows that the western lakes […]

Exceptional Snow Base for February Vacation Week

February 22, 2017 — The Maine Office of Tourism, in collaboration with Ski Maine Association and the Maine Snowmobile Association (MSA), reports that warmer temperatures after last week's storms have created a solid base for Maine's outdoor winter recreation during February school vacation week. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA) snow depth map shows […]