September 21, 2016 — The 2016 Fall Foliage Report from the Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry reports very little color change throughout Maine. Northern Maine is still reporting very low (less than 10 percent) color change. 

Maine foliage map week 2Typically, northern Maine (zones 6 and 7) reaches peak conditions the last week of September into the first week of October. The rest of the state's progression of color will start occurring from north to south in mid-October. Coastal Maine typically reaches peak conditions mid-to-late October. 

"Mother Nature's not missing a beat as autumn arrives in Maine with weekend temperatures more on the seasonal side to start the progression of color throughout the state. Colors will start moving along at a faster pace with the dip in the daytime and evening temperatures. It's going to be a grab your sweaters and light jackets weekend, as you head out to the fairs and apple orchards throughout Maine," according to Gale Ross, Maine's fall foliage spokesperson. 

Enjoy the first fall weekend at one of the many events taking place throughout Maine. Head Downeast for the 8th Annual Acadia Night Sky Festival to enjoy the region's stellar night sky September 22-25. In western Maine, enjoy the 1st Annual Sugarloaf Mountain Bike Festival September 23-25, complete with 50 miles of bike trails, guided rides, nightly outdoor concerts and more. Or, join the celebration of rural, sustainable living at the Common Ground Country Fair in Unity September 23-25. In southern Maine, Punkinfiddle, a family festival and National Estuaries Day Celebration, takes place September 24 at Wells Reserve at Laudholm Farm. If foreign automobiles are more of your style, head to the Owls Head Transportation Museum September 24-25 for the Foreign Auto Festival

Leaf peep in the Maine Highlands by driving to Bangor to explore Cascade Park. From there, drive just an hour and a half to Moosehead Lake in Greenville. Board the Katahdin, a 1914 steamboat, and cruise Moosehead Lake to enjoy the picturesque foliage from the lake. True to its name, the Moosehead Lake area is home to some of the finest moose watching in the country, so be sure to be on the lookout for more than just fall foliage. Just imagine spotting a moose with a colorful, fall foliage backdrop. 

Leaf peepers can visit the state's official foliage website at to sign up to receive weekly reports by email, and can share their photos from throughout the state as the progression of color begins. Our Facebook page will also include statewide events taking place throughout the foliage season. For more information about fall activities and events in Maine, go to