For Immediate Release
October 21, 2015

Gale Ross, Fall Foliage Coordinator
Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation & orestry
207-287-5153 or

Augusta, MAINE –  Peak and past-peak conditions are taking place throughout the state with moderate to high leaf drop (50 percent to 70 percent), according to the final fall foliage report from the Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry.

Maine fall foliage week 7“The oak trees are just starting to reveal their oranges and golds, amid the still-vibrant reds, yellows and purples, making for a picture perfect backdrop, along with sunny skies in the tracking zones 1 and 2 covering the immediate coastline,” according to Gale Ross, fall foliage coordinator.

Take in peak colors at the Annual OgunquitFest happening this weekend, October 23-25. This weekend-long festival includes a scarecrow contest, pumpkin decorating, scavenger hunt, plenty of ghost stories, a marketplace and much more.

Or, jump aboard the Ghost Train at the Boothbay Railway Village in Boothbay. Just once a year, the ghouls and goblins come out to greet passengers as they journey through enchanted cemeteries. This is appropriate for children four and older, so bundle up the family and visit on Friday or Saturday, October 23 and 24 from 5:30 p.m. to 8 p.m.

Share your end-of-fall-foliage-season snaps with us at

For more information about fall activities and events in Maine, go to


Editor’s Note:
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Current Foliage Conditions